Temperaturu od 37.5 do 38.5 stepeni Ceizijusa ne treba snižavati. Time bi se samo pomoglo agresoru da duže deluje. Porast temperature znak je dve stvari, da je telo napadnuto, ali i da se brani tj.da bi znali da li vas organizam moze da se izbori sa temperaturom sam.
Temperaturu veću od 38,5 stepeni treba snižavati, jer ona počinje da škodi telu.
Važno je da se temperatura prati i ako ne spada, već raste bez obzira šta radili – obratite se lekaru.
Komova rakija
Razblaziti rakiju sa toplom vodom u odnosu 1 prema 5, da ne bi doslo do ostecenja koze.
Masirati stopala, dlanove i od vrata niz kicmeni stub.
Krompir (sirovi)
Kriske krompira stavljati na celo u toku dana. Pre spavanja izrendati krompir. Smesu stavite na tabane, uvijte stopala u pamučne krpe, pa obujte pamučne čarape. Kad se osusi krompir zameniti novim krompirom.
Najbolje je da pijete voćne sokove – sveže ceđeni limuna i pomorandžu, jer sadrže obilje vitamina i minerala a mozete piti i mlake cajeve - recepti dole.
Jabukovo sirce
Masirati telo jabukovim sircetom 10 do 15 minuta pogotovu lice, stomak i ispod pazuha.
Kukuruzno brasno i alkoholno sirce
Napraviti gustu smesu od kukuruznog brasna i alkoholnog sirceta. Pre spavanja staviti na stopala, uviti pamucnom krpom i obuti carape.
Svinjska mast i kupus
Kod bronhijalne astme ili upale pluca sa visokom temperaturom namazati svinjsku mast na grudi a zatim prekriti listovima kupusa. Kada se listovi kupusa osuse zameniti novim.
Dva do četiri limuna operite i iscedite sok. Namočite pamučne krpice, pa sa njima umotajte stopala. Preko toga obuti pamučne čarape, dobro se utoplite, posebno stopala i lezite sat vremena. Kada krpice na nogama budu suve, ponovite postupak. Ove obloge ostavite na nogama tokom noći.
Umutite belance, nakvasite njime pamučne krpice, pa stavite preko tabana. Obujte čarape i ostavite da deluje nekoliko sati.
Menta i žalfija
Po kašičicu mente i žalfije preliti litrom vrele vode. Poklopiti. Ostavite da odstoji deset minuta i potom procedite čaj. Piti po šolju ovog čaja na svakih sat vremena.
Čaj od majčine dušice, lipe i kamilice
Po 20 grama cvetova kamilice, 20g majčine dušice i 20 grama cvetova od lipe prelijte šoljom ključale vode. Poklopiti. Pustite da odstoji desetak minuta i procedite. Pijte tri šolje tokom dana.
The temperature should not be lowered from 37.5 to 38.5 degrees Celsius. This would only help the aggressor to act longer. A rise in temperature is a sign of two things, that the body is under attack, but also that it is defending itself, i.e. to know if your body can fight the temperature on its own.
A temperature higher than 38.5 degrees C should be lowered, because it starts to harm the body.
It is important that the temperature is monitored and if it does not fall, but rises regardless of what you do - consult a doctor.
Dissolve the brandy with warm water in a ratio of 1 to 5 to avoid skin damage.
Massage feet, palms and neck down the spinal column.
Potatoes (raw)
Put potato slices on your forehead throughout the day. Then shred potatoes and place them in socks before bedtime. Apply the mixture to the soles of your feet, wrap your feet in cotton cloths, and put on cotton socks. When the potatoes are dried, replace them with new potatoes.
It is best to drink fruit juices - freshly squeezed lemon and orange, because they contain plenty of vitamins and minerals, and you can also drink lukewarm tea - recipes below.
Apple cider vinegar
Massage the apple cider vinegar for 10 to 15 minutes espeacially the face, abdomen and underarms.
Corn flour and alcoholic vinegar
Make a thick mixture of corn flour and alcohol vinegar. Before bed, put on your feet, wrap a cotton cloth and put on socks.
Pork lard and cabbage
For bronchial asthma or pneumonia with high fever apply lard to the chest and then cover with cabbage leaves. When cabbage leaves are dried, replace them with new ones.
Wash two to four lemons and squeeze out the juice. Soak cotton cloth and wrap your feet in them. Put on cotton socks over them, warm yourself up, especially your feet, and lie down for an hour. When the cloth on your feet is dry, repeat the process. Leave these compresses on your feet overnight.
Egg whites
Beat the egg whites, wet cotton cloth with it, then put it over the soles of your feet. Put on socks and leave it on for a few hours.
Mint and sage tea
Put one teaspoon each of mint and sage with a liter of hot water. Cover. Let it stand for ten minutes and then strain the tea. Drink a cup of this tea every hour.
Breckland thyme, linden and chamomile tea
Pour 20 grams of chamomile flowers, 20 grams of Breckland thyme and 20 grams of linden flowers with a cup of boiling water. Cover. Let it stand for ten minutes and strain. Drink three cups during the day.
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