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Sunday, April 11, 2021

Tvrdi kastilj sapun (Hard castile soap)

Sastojci: 500ml maslinovog ulja, 59.5g sodjium hidroksida (isto sto i natrijum hidroksid), 500ml destilovane vode, modla za 6 sapuna, zastitne naocare, maska za lice, gumene rukavice, majica dugog rukava, trenerka.


0) Stavite zastitinu opremu i procitajte mere opreza i savete na kraj recepta.

1) Staviti gumene rukavice, zastitne naocare i masku za lice posto sodijum hidroksid isparava i ne zelite to da udisete.

2) U bokal sipati destilovanu vodu. Dodati sodjum hidroksid i mesati metalnom kasikom dok se ne otopi. Ostaviti sa strane da se ohladi.

Napomena: NIKAKO ne sipati vodu u sodijum hidroksid.

3) U serpicu sipati maslinovo ulje i na srednjoj temperaturi zagrejati. Kad prokljuca skloniti sa sporeta. Temperatura treba da bude 38 C.

4) Dodati sodijum hidroksid (temperature oko 38 C plus-minus 10 C u odnosu na temperaturu ulja) u serpicu sa uljem. Promesati spatulom da se sjedniti.

5) Rucnim miskerom izmesati dok se ne dbije srednja gustina. Miksati 5 sekundi pa promesati. Ponoviti postupak koji traje nekoliko minuta.

Mozete da skinete rukavicu, masku za lice i naocare.

Savet: a koja je to srednja gustina? Uzmite metalnu kasiku, uronite u sapun, izvucite napolje i povlacite kasiku u vazduhu kao da pravite liniju. Ako sapun koji spada sa kasike ostavljatag u vidi linije, dostigli ste srednu gustinu.

6) Sipati u silikon modle. Mozete sipati u dublju modlu u koju morate staviti papir za pecenje inace necete moci da izvadite sapun jednom kad se stvrdne.

7) Ostaviti da se stvrdne na sobnoj temperaturi od 2 do 4 dana. Nekad je potrebno i duze zavisi od temperature u kojoj se susi sapun i od dubine modli.

8) Ako ste sapun stavili u duzu dublju modlu, iseci na debljinu od oko 2cm.

9) Staviti na zicanu resetku, praveci razmak izmedju sapuna i ostaviti na hladnom da se susi 6 nedelja. Povremeno okrecite sapune da se lepo osuse sa svih strana.

Mere opreza

0) Uvek, uvek, uvek dodajte sodijum hidroksid u vodu.

1) Tacnost u gramazi se mora postovati do miligrama.

2) Koristite metalne posude od nerdjajuceg celika za merenje i drzanje kalijum hidroksida i vode. Nemojte koristiti aluminujum metalne posude.

3) Pre nego sto pocnete da merite sodijum hidroksid stavite zastitne naocare, deblje gumene rukavice, obavezno je da imate duge pantalone i duge rukave na sebi. Merenje i mesanje sodijum hidrokisida je najbolje da radite napolju, van domasaja dece i kucnih ljubimaca ili u dobro provetrenoj prostoriji.4) Kada pomesate sodijum hidroksid sa vodom pojavice se isparenje koje ne treba da udisete.

5) Temperatura mesavine ulja i mesavine sodijum hidroksida i vode moze da bude izmedju 38 i 43 C.

6) Ako vam se sodijum hidroksid dospe na kozu, stvorice se hemijska opekotina. Belo sirce (alkoholno sirce) je dobro za neutralizovanje opekotine.

Ingredients: 500ml olive oil, 59.5g sodium hydroxide (same as as lye and caustic soda), 500ml distilled water, mold for 6 soaps, goggles, face mask, rubber gloves, long sleeves shirt, sweat pants or jeans.


0) Put protective gear on and read precautions at the end of the recipe.

1) Put on rubber gloves, goggles and face mask as the sodium hydroxide evaporates and you do not want to breathe in that.

2) Pour distilled water into the measure bowl. Add sodium hydroxide and stir with metal spoon until dissolved. Leave aside to cool.

Note: NEVER pour water into sodium hydroxide.

3) Pour in olive oil and heat over medium heat. When it boils, remove it from the stove. The temperature should be 38 C.

4) Add sodium hydroxide (temperatures around 38 C plus-minus 10 C relative to oil temperature) to the pot with oil. Stir with a spatula to combine.

5) With a hand mixer, mix until medium density is reached. Stir for 5 seconds then stir. Repeat for several minutes.

You can remove the gloves, face mask and glasses.

Tip: and what it the means medium density? Take the metal spoon, plunge into the soap, pull it out and pull the spoon in the air as if you were drawing a line. If the soap that falls off the spoon leaves a line, you have reached medium density.

6) Pour into silicone molds. You can pour in a deeper mold (wooden usually) into which you have to put baking paper, otherwise you will not be able to remove the soap once it has solidified.

7) Allow to cure at room temperature for 2 to 4 days. Sometimes it takes longer depending on the temperature at which the soap is dried and the depth of mold.

8) If you put the soap in a longer deeper mold, cut it to a thickness of about 2cm.

9) Put on a wire rack, spacing the soap and let it dry for 6 weeks. Occasionally turn the soaps to dry nicely on all sides.


0) Always, always, always add potassium hydroxide to the water.

1) Accuracy in gravel must be respected up to milligrams.

2) Use stainless steel metal containers/bowls to measure and hold potassium hydroxide and water.

3) Before you measure potassium hydroxide, wear safety glasses, thick rubber gloves, and make sure you have long pants and long sleeves on. It is best to measure and mix potassium hydroxide outside, out the reach of children and pets, or in a well-ventilated area.

4) When you mix potassium hydroxide with water, evaporation will occur which you do not want to inhale.

5) The temperature of the mixture of oil and the mixture of potassium hydroxide and water may be between 38 and 43 C.

6) If your sodium hydroxide gets on your skin, a chemical burn is created. White vinegar (alcoholic vinegar) is good for neutralizing burns.

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