Monday, April 12, 2021

Kocke od gaveza za opekotine od sunca (Comfrey cubes for sunburn)

Sastojci: 60g korena gaveza, 380ml vode.

1) Oljustiti koren gaveza. Sitno iseckati.
2) U serpu sipati vodu i pustiti da prokljuca. Smanjiti na srednje nisku temperaturu i dodati gavez. Kuvati 30 minuta.
3) Poklopiti i ostaviti da stoji 3 sata.
4) U cediljku staviti gazu pa sipati da se ocedi. Rukama zavrbuti gazu i stisnuti da se dobro iscedi.
5) Mozete direktno staviti gel na opekotine a ostatak sipati u modle za led i zamrznuti. Kad se smrznu prebaciti u kesice i oznaciti sta je i da nije za unutrasnju upotrebu. Kocku gaveza natrljati na opekotine.

Oprez: koren gaveza nije za unutrasnju upotrebu.

Ingredients: 60g of comfrey root, 380ml of water.

1) Peel the comfrey root. Chop.
2) Pour water into the saucepan and let it boil. Reduce to medium-low heat and add comfrey root. Cook for 30 minutes.
3) Cover and let stand for 3 hours.
4) Put gauze in a strainer and pour it to drain. Use your hands to twist the gauze and squeeze to drain well.
5) You can put the gel directly on the sunburn and pour the rest into ice molds and freeze. When frozen, transfer to bags and indicate what is and that is not for internal use. Rub the comfrey cube on the sunburn.

Caution: comfrey root is not for internal use.

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