Monday, April 12, 2021

Sapun sa glicerinom i maslinovim ulje (Glycerin and olive oil soap)

Sastojci: 500ml biljnog infuziranog ulja (maslinovo ulje i bilje po izboru), 70ml ricinusovog ulja, 170ml glicerina, 113g kalijum hidroksida + 170ml destilovane ili prokuvane vode i jos 1.5 L destilovane ili prokuvane vode za rastvaranje..

1) Staviti zastitnu opremu i procitate savete i mere opreza.
2) Polako i pazljivo dodati kalijum hidroksid u vodu polako mesajuci. Mesati dok se ne otopi. Ostaviti da se ohladi do 38 - 43 C.
3) Polako dodati glicerin u mesavinu kalijum hidroksida i vode konstantno mesajuci. Proveriti temperaturu. Treba da bude 38 - 43 C.
4) Zagrejati ulje na pari na srednjoj temperaturi i ostaviti da se ohladi do 38 - 43 C.
5) Dodati mesavinu kalijum hidroksida u ulje i polako promesati. Stapnim mikserom mutiti 5 sekundi pa napraviti pauzu. Ponoviti proces dok ne ostavi trag (oko 45 minuta do 1 sat).
6) Kuvati na temperaturi izmedju 38 i 43 C 2 sata. Svakih dvadesetak minuta promesajte sa drvenom kasikom da bi se pasta skuvala ravnomerno.
7) Zagrejti 100ml vode i dodati 1 kasiku paste. Mesati dok se ne otopi. Ako je voda skoro cista mozete nastaviti sa razblazivanjem. Ako je voda mutna morate jos da kuvate. Kuvajte jos 1 sat pre ponovnog testiranja.
8) Ostaviti da se ohladi.
9) Izmerite pastu i pomonozite sa 3 da znate koliko vode da dodate.
10) Dodati vode u serpu sa sapunskom mesavinom i mesati dok se ne otopi. Ne mora se potpuno otopiti.
11) Poklopiti serpu i zagrevati na temperaturi izmedju 32 i 90 C 8 sati. Povremeno promesati.
12) Nakon 8 sati, ako primetite da se preostali komadici sapuna ili gusta kora sapuna formiraju cak i nakon sto se komadi sapuna otope, dodati jos 250 do 500ml vode da dodatno razredite pastu.
13) Kad se sapun potpuno otopi, bez ostataka sapunske mesavine, sipati sapun u ciste i suve staklene ili plasticne flase.
14) Oznacite flase – datum, vrste ulja i vrste esencijalnih ulja, ako ste koristili..


1) Kalijum hidroksid se razlikuje od natrijevog hidroksida.
2) Kalijum hidroksid saponifikuje masti bez stvaranja tvrdih, neprozirnih kristala, tako da se dobijeni sapun moze razrediti do tecne konzistencije, a da pritom ne postane gusto.
3) Kalijum hidroksid ima tendenciju da se daje vise mehurica, vrlo pozeljna u tecnim sapunima.

Ingredients: 500ml herb infused oil (olive oil and herbs of your choice), 70ml castor oil, 170ml glycerine, 113g potassium hydroxide + 170ml distilled or boiled water and another ?? distilled or boiled dissolving water.

1) Put on protective gear and read the tips and precautions.
2) Slowly and carefully add potassium hydroxide to the water slowly mixing. Stir until melted. Allow to cool to 38 - 43 C.
3) Slowly add glycerin to the potassium hydroxide and water mixture and mix constantly. Check the temperature. It should be 38 - 43 C.
4) Heat the oil over steam, over medium heat and allow to cool to 38 - 43 C.
5) Add the potassium hydroxide mixture to the oils and stir slowly. with stick mixer mix for 5 seconds and then pause. Repeat the process until it leaves a trace (about 45 minutes to 1 hour).
6) Cook between 38 and 43 C for 2 hours. Mix with a wooden spoon every twenty minutes to cook the paste evenly.
7) Heat 100ml of water and add 1 tablespoon of paste. Stir until melted. If the water is almost clear you can continue to dilute. If the water is cloudy, you still have to cook. Cook for 1 hour before retesting.
8) Allow to cool.
9) Measure the paste and multiply by 3 to know how much water to add.
10) Add the water to the soap mixture with the soap and mix until melted. It does not have to dissolve completely.
11) Cover the pot and heat between 32 and 90 C for 8 hours. Stir occasionally.
12) After 8 hours, if you notice that the remaining pieces of soap or thick crust of soap are formed even after the pieces of soap have dissolved, add another 250 to 500ml of water to further dilute the paste.
13) When the soap is completely dissolved, pour the soap into clean and dry glass or plastic bottles without any residue of the soap mixture.
14) Mark the bottles - date, types of oils and types of essential oils, if used.


1) Potassium hydroxide is different from sodium hydroxide.
2) Potassium hydroxide saponifies fats without the formation of hard, opaque crystals, so that the resulting soap can be diluted to a liquid consistency without becoming thick.
3) Potassium hydroxide tends to give more bubbles, very desirable in liquid soaps.

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