Monday, April 12, 2021

Krema za strije (Cream for stretch marks)

Sastojci: 100ml biljno infuzirano ulje (cvetovi nevena i koren djumbira sa uljem badema ili uljem kostica kajsija*), 100g shea putera, 100g kokosovog ulja, 50ml ulja kostica kajsija.


1) Napraviti infuzirano ulje.

2) Na pari, na srednjoj temperaturi (4) otopiti kokosovo ulje. Dodati infuzirano ulje, shea puter i ulje kostica kajsija i promesati.

3) Sipati u staklene teglice i ostaviti da se stvrdne.

4) Oznaciti teglice datumom, biljem i uljima.

Napomena: kolicinu bilja i ulja pripremiti u odnosu 1:5, na primer, 1 deo bilja i 5 delova ulja. Takodje uracunajte i koren djumbira sa biljem u odnosu 1:4, na primer, 1/4 kasike rendanog korena djumbira i 1 kasika bilja.

Ingredients: 100ml herb infused oil (calendula flowers and ginger root with almond oil or apricot kernel oil *), 100g shea butter, 100g coconut oil, 50ml apricot kernel oil.


1) Make an infused oil.

2) Mlet the coconut oil over steam, over medium heat (4). Add the infused oil, shea butter and apricot kernel oil and stir.

3) Pour into glass jars and allow to solidify.

4) Mark the jars with date, herbs and oils.

Note: prepare the amount of herbs and oils in a ratio of 1:5, for example, 1 part herbs and 5 parts oil. Also calculate the ginger root with herbs in a ratio of 1:4, for example, 1/4 tablespoon of shredded ginger root and 1 tablespoon of herbs.

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