Saturday, June 19, 2021

Osvezivaci za opustanje (Soy wax relaxing fresheners)

Za relaksaciju

Sastojci: 250g soja voska, 4.5ml kamilica EO, 2.25ml bergamot EU, 0.75ml vetiver EU, cvetovi suve lavande (izgnjeceni i celi) ili jasmin. 


1) U modle sipati zgnjecene cvetove suve lavande. 

2) U serpicu staviti vodu, staviti na sporet na srednju temperaturu (4) i pustiti da prokljuca. U ciniju od nerdjajuceg celika, staviti sojin vosak. Ciniju sa voskom staviti preko serpice sa vodom. Mesati sojin vosak dok se ne otopi.

3) Kada je temperatura sojinog voska izmedju 82 i 85 C, dodati esencijalna ulja. Dobro promesati. 

4) U modle sipati sojin vosak. Staviti cele cvetove lavande preko. 

5) Sacekati da se malo stegne a pre nego sto se sasvim stvrdne napraviti rupu, blize vrhu. Vezati kanapom.

Za smanjenje stresa

3.75ml EU divlje zalfije, 2.25ml EU bergamota, 1.5ml tamjana i suvo cvece po izboru.

Za bolji fokus

3.75 EU ruzmarina, 2.25 ml EU peperminta, 1.5ml EU kedra, suvo cvece po izboru (crvena rajska ptica-CAESALPINIA PULCHERRIMA, orhideja vatrena zvezda-EPINDENDRUM RADICANS, vidova trava-EUPHRASIA NEMOROSA, roze lotos, hajducka trava).

Za energiju

3.75ml EU cimeta, 2.25ml EU divlje pomorandze, 1.5ml EU tamjana i suvo cvece po izboru (kala, orhideja, zalfija).

Napomena: Posto su ovo osvezivaci sa voskom a ne svece, stavlja se malo vise esencijalnih ulja.

For relaxation

Ingredients: 250g soy wax, 4.5ml chamomile EO, 2.25ml bergamot EO, 0.75ml vetiver EO, dried lavender flowers (crushed and whole) or jasmine.


1) Place crushed dry lavender flowers into the mold.

2) Put water in a saucepan, put it on the stove at medium temperature (4) and let it boil. In a stainless steel bowl, place soy wax. Place the wax bowl over the water bowl. Stir in soy wax until dissolved.

3) When the temperature of the soy wax is between 82 and 85 C, add the essential oils. Stir well.

4) Pour soy wax into the mold. Put whole lavender flowers on top.

5) Wait for it to tighten a bit and make a hole closer to the top before it hardens completely. Tie with twine.

To reduce stress

3.75ml EO clary sage, 2.25ml EO bergamot, 1.5ml frankincense EO and dried flowers of your choice.

For better focus

3.75 EO rosemary, 2.25 ml EO peppermint, 1.5ml EO cedarwood, dried flowers of your choice  (red bird of paradise-CAESALPINIA PULCHERRIMA, fire star orchid-EPINDENDRUM RADICANS, euphrasia-EUPHRASIA NEMOROSA, pink lotus, yarrow).

For energy

3.75ml EO cinnamon, 2.25ml EO wild orange, 1.5ml EO frankincense and dried flowers of your choice (peace lily, orchid, sage). 

Note: since these are wax fresheners and not candles, a little more essential oil is added.

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