Saturday, June 19, 2021

Brzi aromaterapija sapuni (Quick aromatherapy soaps)

Sa limunom i lavandom

Sastojci: 1 kasika rendane kore limuna, 1 kasika cvetova lavande (izgnjecena), 375-500g sapunske baze (shea puter), 8ml esencijalnog ulja lavande i 4ml EU limuna.

1) U modlu naprskati malo alkohola. Dodati malo kore limuna i cvetova lavande.
2) Otopiti bazu za sapun. Dodati ostatak kore limuna i cvetova lavande i EU limuna i promesati.
3) Sipati u modle. Poprskati malo alkoholom. Ostaviti 20 minuta.
4) Staviti u zamrzivac 2 sata.

Sa zelenim cajem, medom i limunom

Sastojci: 375-500g sapunske baze (shea puter), 1 kasika rendane kore limuna, 2 kasike zelenog caja u prahu, 1 kasika meda, 12ml EU limuna.

1) U modlu naprskati malo alkohola. Dodati malo kore limuna i zelenog caja.
2) Otopiti bazu za sapun. Dodati ostatak kore limuna i zelenog caja, med i EU limuna i promesati.
3) Sipati u modle. Poprskati malo alkoholom. Ostaviti 20 minuta.
4) Staviti u zamrzivac 2 sata.

Sa kafom i vanilom

Sastojci: 375-500g sapunske baze (shea puter), 1 kasika mlevene kafe, 12 ml EU vanile. 

1) U modlu naprskati malo alkohola. Dodati malo mlvene kafe.
2) Otopiti bazu za sapun. Dodati ostatak mlevene kafe i EU vanile i promesati.
3) Sipati u modle. Poprskati malo alkoholom. Ostaviti 20 minuta.
4) Staviti u zamrzivac 2 sata.

Sa ovsenim pahuljicama i vanilom

Sastojci: 375-500g sapunske baze (shea puter), 2 kasike ovsenih pahuljica + 4 kasike mlevenih ovsenih pahuljica, 1 kasika meda, 12ml EU vanile.

1) U modlu naprskati malo alkohola. Dodati malo ovsenih pahuljica i mlevenih ovsenih pahuljica.
2) Otopiti bazu za sapun. Dodati ostatak ovsenih pahuljica, med i EU vanile i promesati.
3) Sipati u modle. Poprskati malo alkoholom. Ostaviti 20 minuta.
4) Staviti u zamrzivac 2 sata.

With lemon and lavender

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon grated lemon peel, 1 tablespoon lavender flowers (crushed), 375-500g soap base (shea butter), 8ml lavender essential oil and 4ml EO lemon.

1) Spray a little alcohol in the mold. Add a little lemon peel and lavender flowers.
2) Melt the soap base. Add the rest of the lemon and lavender peel and EO and stir.
3) Pour into molds. Sprinkle a little alcohol. Leave for 20 minutes.
4) Put in the freezer for 2 hours.

With green tea, honey and lemon

Ingredients: 375-500g soap base (shea butter), 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel, 2 teaspoons green tea powder, 1 teaspoon honey, 12ml lemon EO.

1) Spray a little alcohol in the mold. Add a little lemon peel and green tea.
2) Melt the soap base. Add the rest of the lemon peel and green tea, honey and lemon EO and stir.
3) Pour into molds. Sprinkle a little alcohol. Leave for 20 minutes.
4) Put in the freezer for 2 hours.

With coffee and vanilla

Ingredients: 375-500g soap base (shea butter), 1 teaspoon ground coffee, 12 ml vanilla EO.

1) Spray a little alcohol in the mold. Add a little ground coffee.
2) Melt the soap base. Add the rest of the ground coffee and vanilla EO and stir.
3) Pour into molds. Sprinkle a little alcohol. Leave for 20 minutes.
4) Put in the freezer for 2 hours.

With oatmeal and vanilla

Ingredients: 375-500g soap base (shea butter), 2 tablespoons oat flakes + 4 tablespoons ground oat flakes, 1 tablespoon honey, 12ml vanilla EO.

1) Spray a little alcohol in the mold. Add a little oat flakes and ground oat flakes.
2) Melt the soap base. Add the rest of the oat flakes, honey and vanilla EO and stir.
3) Pour into molds. Sprinkle a little alcohol. Leave for 20 minutes.
4) Put in the freezer for 2 hours.

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