Sunday, April 11, 2021

Za skidanje visoke temperature (Against high temperature)

Komova rakija

Razblaziti rakiju sa toplom vodom u odnosu 1 prema 5, da ne bi doslo do ostecenja koze.

Masirati stopala, dlanove i od vrata niz kicmeni stub.

Krompir (sirovi)

Kriske krompira stavljati na celo u toku dana, a pre spavanja izrendati krompir i obucti carape. Kad se osusi krompir zameniti novim krompirom.

Jabukovo sirce

Masirati telo jabukovim sircetom 10 do 15 minuta pogotovu lice, stomak i ispod pazuha.

Kukuruzno brasno i alkoholno sirce

Napraviti gustu smesu od kukuruznog brasna i alkoholnog sirceta. Pre spavanja staviti na stopala, uviti pamucnom krpom i obuti carape.

Svinjska mast i kupus

Kod bronhijalne astme ili upale pluca sa visokom temperaturom namazati svinjsku mast na grudi a zatim prekriti listovima kupusa. Kada se listovi kupusa osuse zameniti novim.


Dissolve the brandy with warm water in a ratio of 1 to 5 to avoid skin damage.

Massage feet, palms and neck down the spinal column.

Potatoes (raw)

Put potato slices on forehead throughout the day, and then shred potatoes and place potato in socks (put on socks) before bedtime. When the potatoes are dried, replace with new potatoes.

Apple cider vinegar

Massage the apple cider vinegar for 10 to 15 minutes espeacially the face, abdomen and underarms.

Corn flour and alcoholic vinegar

Make a thick mixture of corn flour and alcohol vinegar. Before bed, put on your feet, wrap a cotton cloth and put on socks.

Pork lard and cabbage

For bronchial asthma or pneumonia with high fever apply lard to the chest and then cover with cabbage leaves. When cabbage leaves are dried, replace with new ones.

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