Saturday, April 17, 2021

Za ciscenje wc solje sa boraksom (Toilet bowl cleaner with borax)

Sastojci: 500ml prokuvane vode, 250g sode za pranje ili sode bikarbone, 80g boraksa, 80ml tecnog kastilja sapuna, 25 kapi esencijalnih ulja (limun, kedar, limunska trava, kanadska jela, cempres, pomorandza, bor i cajno drvo).


1) U serpicu staviti vodu i zagrejati. Skloniti sa sporeta.

2) Dodati sodu za pranje i boraks i mesati da se otopi.

3) Ostaviti da se ohladi.

4) Sipati u flasu.

5) Polako odati tecni kastilj sapun i esencijalna ulja. Zatvoriti i promuckati.

6) Pre svake upotrebe promuckati. Naneti na wc solju. Ostaviti 5 do 10 minuta pa izribati cetkom.

7) Obrisati vlanom krpom i pustiti vodu.

Ingredients: 500ml of boiled water, 250g of washing soda or baking soda, 80g of borax, 80ml of liquid casting soap, 25 drops of essential oils (lemon, cedarwood, lemongrass, canadian fir, cypress, orange, pine and tea tree).


1) Put water in a saucepan and heat. Remove from the stove.

2) Add washing soda and borax and stir to dissolve.

3) Allow to cool.

4) Pour into a bottle.

5) Slowly add liquid castile soap and essential oils. Close and shake.

6) Shake before each use. Apply on toilet bowl. Leave for 5 to 10 minutes, then srub with a brush.

7) Wipe with a damp cloth and let the water run.

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