Sunday, April 11, 2021

Tecni kastilj sapun 2 (Liquid castile soap 2)

Sastojci: 355ml maslinovog ulja, 227g kokosovog ulja, 132.5g kalijum hidroksida, 473ml destilovane vode za kalijum hidroksid, 1.5 L destilovane vode za rastvaranje plus jos ako je potrebno.


0) Stavite zastitinu opremu i procitajte mere opreza i savete na kraj recepta.

Mesanje ulja i kalijum hiidroksida

1) U serpu od livenog gvozdja staviti maslinovo i kokosovo ulje i zagrejati na temperaturi do 43 C.

2) Kalijum hidroksid staviti u metalnu nerdjajucu posudu. Vodu sipati u dublju metlanu posudu od nerdjajuceg celika ili vatrostalnu posudu.

3) Veoma pazljivo, postepeno, dodajte kalijum hidroksid u vodu stalno mesajuci. Mesajte i dalje dok se ne otopi potpuno. Ostavite da se ohladi. Temperatura treba da je ispod 43 C.

Napomena: temperatura mesavine ulja i mesavine kalijum hidroksida i vode treba da budu sto priblizniije moguce.

4) Polako dodajte mesavinu kalijum hodroksida i vode u ulja. Sklonite sa sporeta.

5) Odmah nakon spajanja rucnim mikserom mutite 5 minuta da se zgusne. Narednih 30 minuta tako miutite po 5 minuta sa kratkim pauzama. Masa treba bude toliko gusta da se vise ne moze mutiti mikserom.

Kuvanje mesavine

6) Kuvati na temperaturi izmedju 38 i 43 C 3 sata. Svakih dvadesetak minuta promesajte sa drvenom kasikom da bi se pasta skuvala ravnomerno.

Testiranje cistoce

7) Uzmite 30g paste i pomesajte sa 125ml vrele (prokuvane ili deistilovane) vode. Mesajte polako sa drvenom kasikom dok se potpuno ne otopi.

8) Ostaviti da se ohladi.

9) Ako je sapun neproziran ili ako na povrsinu ispliva otpad s uljem, nastavite da kuvate sapunsku pastu jos jedan sat pre ponovnog ispitivanja. Ako je razredjen sapun cist (ne mora biti bezbojan, samo proziran), nastavite s razredjivanjem.

Razredjivanje sapunske mesavine

10) Dodati 1.25 L vode u serpu sa sapunskom mesavinom i mesati dok se ne otopi. Ne mora se potpuno otopiti.

11) Poklopiti serpu i zagrevati na temperaturi izmedju 32 i 90 C 8 sati. Povremeno promesati.

12) Nakon 8 sati, ako primetite da se preostali komadici sapuna ili gusta kora sapuna formiraju cak i nakon sto se komadi sapuna otope, dodati jos 250 do 500ml vode da dodatno razredite pastu.

Sipanje sapuna u flase

13) Kad se sapun potpuno otopi, bez ostataka sapunske mesavine, sipati sapun u ciste i suve staklene ili plasticne flase.

14) Oznacite flase - datum, vrste ulja i vrste esencijalnih ulja, ako ste koristili.

Mere opreza

0) Uvek, uvek, uvek dodajte kalijum hidroksid u vodu.

1) Tacnost u gramazi se mora postovati do miligrama.

2) Koristite metalne posude od nerdjajuceg celika za merenje i drzanje kalijum hidroksida i vode.

3) Pre nego sto pocnete da merite kalijum hidroksid stavite zastitne naocare, deblje gumene rukavice, obavezno je da imate duge pantalone i duge rukave na sebi. Merenje i mesanje kalijum hidrokisida je najbolje da radite napolju, van domasaja dece i kucnih ljubimaca ili u dobro provetrenoj prostoriji.

4) Kada pomesate kalijum hidroksid sa vodom pojavice se isparenje koje ne treba da udisete.

5) Temperatura mesavine ulja i mesavine kalijum hidroksida i vode moze da bude izmedju 38 i 43 C.


1) Kalijum hidroksid se razlikuje od natrijevog hidroksida.

2) Kalijum hidroksid saponifikuje masti bez stvaranja tvrdih, neprozirnih kristala, tako da se dobijeni sapun moze razrediti do tecne konzistencije, a da pritom ne postane gusto.

3) Kalijum hidroksid ima tendenciju da se daje vise mehurica, vrlo pozeljna u tecnim sapunima.

Ingredients: 355ml of olive oil, 227g of coconut oil, 132.5g of potassium hydroxide, 473ml of distilled water for potassium hydroxide, 1.5L of distilled water for dissolution plus more if needed.


0) Put protective gear on and read precautions at the end of the recipe.

Mixing oils and potassium hydroxide

1) Put olive and coconut oil in a cast iron skillet and heat to 43 C.

2) Put potassium hydroxide in a metal stainless bowl. Pour the water into a deeper stainless steel bowl or ovenproof dish.

3) Very carefully, gradually, add potassium hydroxide to the water, stirring constantly. Continue stirring until completely dissolved. Allow to cool. The temperature should be below 43 C.

Note: the temperature of the oils and potassium hydroxide and water mixture should be as close as possible.

4) Slowly add a mixture of potassium hydroxide and water to the oils. Remove from the stove.

5) Immediately after combining mix with a hand mixer for 5 minutes to thicken. For the next 30 minutes mix for 5 minutes making pause now and then. The mass should be so thick that it can no longer be mixed with the mixer.

Cooking mixture

6) Cook on temperature between 38 and 43 C for 3 hours. Mix with a wooden spoon every twenty minutes to cook the paste evenly.

Purity testing

7) Take 30g of paste and mix with 125ml of boiling (boiled or distilled) water. Stir slowly with a wooden spoon until completely dissolved.

8) Allow to cool.

9) If the soap is opaque or if oil spills on surface, continue cooking the soap paste for another hour before re-testing. If diluted soap is clear (does not have to be colorless, only translucent), continue dilution.

Dilution of soap mixture

10) Add 1.25 L of water to the soap mixture and mix until melted. It does not have to dissolve completely.

11) Cover the pot and heat between 32 and 90 C for 8 hours. Stir occasionally.

12) After 8 hours, if you notice that the remaining pieces of soap or thick bark of soap are formed even after the pieces of soap have dissolved, add 250 to 500ml of water to further dilute the paste.

Pouring soap into bottles

13) When the soap is completely dissolved, without any residue of the soap mixture, pour the soap into clean and dry glass or plastic bottles

14) Mark the bottles - date, types of oils and types of essential oils, if used.


0) Always, always, always add potassium hydroxide to the water.

1) Accuracy in gravel must be respected up to milligrams.

2) Use stainless steel metal containers/bowls to measure and hold potassium hydroxide and water.

3) Before you measure potassium hydroxide, wear safety glasses, thick rubber gloves, and make sure you have long pants and long sleeves on. It is best to measure and mix potassium hydroxide outside, out the reach of children and pets, or in a well-ventilated area.

4) When you mix potassium hydroxide with water, evaporation will occur which you do not want to inhale.

5) The temperature of the mixture of oil and the mixture of potassium hydroxide and water may be between 38 and 43 C.


1) Potassium hydroxide is different from sodium hydroxide.

2) Potassium hydroxide saponifies fats without the formation of hard, opaque crystals, so that the resulting soap can be diluted to a liquid consistency without becoming thick.

3) Potassium hydroxide tends to give more bubbles, very desirable in liquid soaps.

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