Saturday, April 17, 2021

Tecni deterdzent za ves sa tvrdim kastilj sapunom (Liquid laundry detergent with hard castile soap)

Sastojci: 180g tvrdog kastilj sapuna, 330g sode za pranje, 330g sode bikarbone, 330g soli, 1.3 + 3 L prokuvane vode, 45 kapi esencijalnog ulja (opcionalno).


1) Izrendati kastilj sapun.

2) U serpu od 3 L staviti kastilj sapun, sodu za pranje, sodu bikarbonu i so i promesati da se sve sjedini.

3) Dodati 1.3 L vode i na srednje niskoj temperaturi (3) zagrevati i mesati konstantno da se sve otopi, pazeci da ne prokljuca.

4) Ostaviti da se malo ohladi.

5) Sipati u balon od 6 L i dodati 3 L vode.

6) Dodati esencijalno ulje i promesati.

7) Ostaviti da stoji 24 sata.

8) Ako vam je tecni deterdzent tanak, pomesajte 15g sode bikarbone i 45ml prokuvane vode dok se so ne otopi.

9) U tankom mlazu, veoma polako, dodavati slanu vodu u deterdzent stalno mesajuci.

10) 75ml za HE masine ili 125ml zaobicne masine po jednom pranju.

Ingredients: 180g of hard castile soap, 330g of baking soda, 330g of baking soda, 330g of salt, 1.3 + 3 L of boiled water, 45 drops of essential oil (optional).


1) Grate the castile soap.

2) Put castile soap, washing soda, baking soda and salt in a 3 L pot and stir to combine everything.

3) Add 1.3 L of water and at a medium low temperature (3) heat and stir constantly to dissolve everything, taking care not to boil.

4) Allow to cool slightly.

5) Pour into a 6 L balloon and add 3 L of water.

6) Add essential oil and stir.

7) Leave to stand for 24 hours.

8) If your liquid detergent is thin, mix 15g of baking soda and 45ml of boiled water until the salt dissolves.

9) In a thin stream, very slowly, add salt water to the detergent, stirring constantly.

10) 75ml for HE machines or 125ml of ordinary machines per wash.

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