Sunday, April 11, 2021

Sapun od masti (Lard soap)

Ovaj sapun ide u pripremu Tecni sapun za ves od sapuna od masti.

Sastojci: 680g svinjske masti, 92g sodijum hidroksida, 170ml destilovane ili prokuvane vode (sobne temperature).


1) Staviti zastitnu opremu i procitati mere opreza na kraj recepta.

2) Rastvoriti sodijum hidroksid u vodi, pazljivo i polako dodajuci u vodu sa konstantnim mesanjem. Nastaviti sa mesanjem dok se potpuno ne otopi. Ostaviti da se ohladi do 38 – 43 C.

3) Na pari, na srednjoj temperaturi (4), otopiti mast. Mesati da se sve otopi. Ostaviti da se ohladi do temperature od 38 – 43 C.

4) Sipati mesavinu sodijum hidroksida u otopljenu i ohladjenu mast i promesati.

5) Stapnim ili rucnim mikserom promesati, zatim mutiti 5 sekundi. Ponovljati ovaj proces dok se ne zgusne i ostavi trag (oko 1 sat).

Skinuti zastitnu opremu.

6) Sipati silinkonske pojedinacne ili jednu modlu ili staviti papir za pecenje u plasticnu kutiju, recimo od sladoleda.

7) Pokriti papirom za pecenje i pokriti sa tri peskira. Ostaviti da se stvrdne 1 dan na hladnom mesti, bez otvaranja. Ako je sapun lepljiv dok ga secete ostavite jos par dana da se susi. Ako je sapun napukao ostaviti na hladnijem mestu da se susi,

8) Poredjati na zicu i ostaviti da se suse 4 – 6 nedelja na provetrenom mestu daleko od sunca, povremeno okrecuci da se ravnomerno osuse.

Mere opreza

0) Uvek, uvek, uvek dodajte sodijum hidroksid u vodu.

1) Tacnost u gramazi se mora postovati do miligrama.

2) Koristite metalne posude od nerdjajuceg celika za merenje i drzanje kalijum hidroksida i vode. Nemojte koristiti aluminujum metalne posude.

3) Pre nego sto pocnete da merite sodijum hidroksid stavite zastitne naocare, deblje gumene rukavice, obavezno je da imate duge pantalone i duge rukave na sebi. Merenje i mesanje sodijum hidrokisida je najbolje da radite napolju, van domasaja dece i kucnih ljubimaca ili u dobro provetrenoj prostoriji.

4) Kada pomesate sodijum hidroksid sa vodom pojavice se isparenje koje ne treba da udisete.

5) Temperatura mesavine ulja i mesavine sodijum hidroksida i vode moze da bude izmedju 38 i 43 C.

6) Ako vam se sodijum hidroksid dospe na kozu, stvorice se hemijska opekotina. Belo sirce (alkoholno sirce) je dobro za neutralizovanje opekotine.

This soap goes into preparing the Liquid laundry soap from lard soap.

Ingredients: 680g of pork lard, 92g of sodium hydroxide, 170ml of distilled or boiled water (room temperature).


1) Put protective equipment on and read precautions at the end of the recipe.

2) Dissolve sodium hydroxide in water, carefully and slowly adding to the water with constant strring. Continue strring until completely dissolved. Allow to cool to 38 - 43 C.

3) Dissolve the pork lard over steam, at medium temperature (4). Stir to dissolve everything. Allow to cool to 38-43 ° C.

4) Pour the mixture of sodium hydroxide into the dissolved and cooled pork lard and stir.

5) Mix with a stick or hand mixer for 5 seconds, then stir seconds. Repeat this process until thickened (about 1 hour).

Remove protective equipment.

6) Pour the individual or one molds or place the plastic box lined with baking paper, such as ice cream box.

7) Cover with baking paper and cover with three towels. Allow to cure for 1 day in a cool place, without opening. If the soap is sticky while you cut it, allow it to dry for a few more days. If the soap has cracks leave to cool in a cooler place,

8) Line on a wire rack and allow to dry for 4 - 6 weeks in a ventilated place away from the sun, occasionally turning to dry evenly.


0) Always, always, always add potassium hydroxide to the water.

1) Accuracy in gravel must be respected up to milligrams.

2) Use stainless steel metal containers/bowls to measure and hold potassium hydroxide and water.

3) Before you measure potassium hydroxide, wear safety glasses, thick rubber gloves, and make sure you have long pants and long sleeves on. It is best to measure and mix potassium hydroxide outside, out the reach of children and pets, or in a well-ventilated area.

4) When you mix potassium hydroxide with water, evaporation will occur which you do not want to inhale.

5) The temperature of the mixture of oil and the mixture of potassium hydroxide and water may be between 38 and 43 C.

6) If your sodium hydroxide gets on your skin, a chemical burn is created. White vinegar (alcoholic vinegar) is good for neutralizing burns.

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