Sunday, April 11, 2021

Recepti za ciscenje kuce (Recipes for cleaning the house)

Za zapusen sifon (jednom mesecno)

Sastojci: 125g sode bikarbone za pranje*, 65g grama kuhinjske soli, 250ml sirceta, selotejp (siri), 2 L vrele voda.


1) U serpicu staviti sirce i pustiti da prokljuca. Skloniti sa sporeta. U serpu staviti vodu i pustiti da prokljuca. Skloniti sa sporeta.

2) Pomesati sodu bikarbinu i so.

3) Iseci deo selotejpa, dovoljno da pokrije otvor na lavabou.

4) Sipati mesavinu iz koraka 1). Zatim sipati vrelo sirce, pa staviti traku i ostaviti 10 do 15 minuta. Drzati traku da ne izdadje mesavina ako je potrebno.

5) Sipati vrelu vodu 1 minut niz cev.

Napomena: bolja je soda bikarbona za pranje, ali ako nemate moze i soda bikarbona za hranu.

Za uklanjanje masnoca iz sifona (jednom nedeljno)

Sastojci: 2 kasike deterdzenta za sudje, 500ml vode.


1) U serpicu staviti vodu i pustiti da prokljuca.

2) Dodati deterdzent za sudje i promesati. Pustiti da kljuca 1 minut. Skloniti sa sporeta.

3) Polako sipati u cev.

Napomena: ako kuvate svaki dan ovo uradite jednom nedeljno. Ako kuvate manje onda na dve nedelje.

For clogged siphon (once a month)

Ingredients: 125g washing baking soda*, 65g salt, 250ml vinegar, duct tape (wider), 2L boiling water.


1) Put the vinegar in the saucepan and let it boil. Remove from the stove. Put water in the pot and let it boil. Remove from the stove.

2) Mix baking soda and salt.

3) Cut a part of the duct tape, enough to cover the openings on the sink.

4) Pour the mixture from step 1). Then pour in the hot vinegar, put on the tape and leave for 10 to 15 minutes. Keep a tape so that it does not get out if necessary.

5) Pour boiling water 1 minute down the pipe.

Note: washing baking soda is better, but if you don't have it baking soda for food is good as well.

To remove grease from the siphon (once a week)

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of dishwashing detergents, 500ml of water.


1) Put water in a saucepan and let it boil.

2) Add detergent and stir. Let it boil for 1 minute. Remove from stove.

3) Pour slowly into the siphon.

Note: if you cook daily, do this once a week. If you cook less then in two weeks.

Za ciscenje pegle (spolja)

Potrebno: kaladont, abrazivni sundjer.

Staviti malo kaladonta na sundjer. Blago premazati zaprljana mesta na pegli pa istrljati sundjerom. Vlaznom krpom obrisati peglu.

Iron cleaner (outside)

Required: caladont, abrasive sponge.

Put some caladont on the sponge. Gently coat the soiled spots on the iron with a sponge then rub with sponge. Wipe the iron with a damp cloth.

Za ciscenje pegle (spolja) 2

Potrebno: 1 kasika vode, 2 kasike sode bikarbone za pranje*. Destilovana voda ili prokuvana voda.

Pomesati vodu i sodu bikarbonu i napraviti pastu. Cetkicom namazati na spoljni deo pegle. Obrisati suvom krpom. Bebi stapic umociti u destilovanu ili prokuvanu vodu i procackati rupice na pegli.

Napomena: bolja je soda bikarbona za pranje, ali ako nemate moze i soda bikarbona za hranu.

Iron cleaner (outside) 2

Required: 1 tablespoon of water, 2 tbsp of washing baking soda*. Distilled water or boiled water.

Mix water and washing or baking soda and make a paste. Apply with brush on the outside of the iron. Wipe dry with a dry cloth. Dip the baby wand into distilled or boiled water and rub holes in the iron.

Note: washing soda is better, but if you don't have it baking soda for food is good as well.

Za ciscenje pegle (unutra)

Potrebno: 1/3 rezervoara pegle destilovane ili prokuvane vode, cista krpa ili peskir.

Isprazniti vodu iz pegle ako je ima. Sipati destilovanu ili prokuvanu vodu. Ukljuciti peglu na mokro peglanje i peglati po krpi ili peskiru dok ne izadje voda tj. para. Ako je ostalo vode okrenuti peglu i isuti vodu napolje.

Iron cleaner (inside)

Required: 1/3 tanks of iron distilled or boiled water, clean cloth or towel.

Drain the remained water from the iron, if any. Pour distilled or boiled water. Turn on the iron on steam ironing and iron on a cloth or towel until water or steam comes out. If there is more water, turn the iron upside down and drain the water out.

Za cisnjenje slavine

Potrebno: suva krpa, alkoholno sirce, cetkica za zube, mokra krpa.

Staviti krpu u sirce i blago iscediti. Staviti oko slavine i ostaviti 1 sat. Skinuti krpu I cetkicom za zube istrljati, pa obrisati vlanom krpom.

To clean the faucet

Required: dry cloth, alcohol vinegar, toothbrush, wet cloth.

Put cloth in vinegar and drain slightly. Put around the faucet and leave for 1 hour. Remove the cloth and rub it with a toothbrush and wipe it with a damp cloth.

Za ciscenje rerne

Potrebno: 250g sode bikarbone za pranje*, voda toliko da se dobije gusta smesa (oko 250ml), 125ml sirceta + za prskanje.

Napraviti gustu smesu od sode bikarbone i vode. Namazati deo smese na staklo rerne pa poprskati sa sircetom. U ostatak smese dodati sirce. Promesati i sipati u pleh. Zagrejati rernu na 100 C. Staviti pleh i ostaviti 45 minuta. Izribati sundjerom. Isprati vlaznom krpom.

Napomena: bolja je soda bikarbona za pranje, ali ako nemate moze i soda bikarbona za hranu.

To clean the oven

Required: 250g washing soda*, water enough to form a thick mixture (about 250ml), 125ml vinegar + for spraying.

Make a thick mixture of washing soda and water. Spread some of the mixture on the glass of the oven and spray with vinegar. Add vinegar to the mixture. Stir and pour in the pan. Preheat the oven to 100 C. Place the pan and leave for 45 minutes. Rub with a sponge. Wash with a damp cloth.

Note: washing soda is better, but if you don't have it baking soda for food is good as well.

Za fugne

Potrebno: 250g soda bikarbona, 250ml vode, cetka (ili cetkica za zube) ili abrazivni sundjer, 300ml alkoholnog sirceta, 300ml tople vode, flasa sa rasprsivacem.

Pomesati sodu bikarbonu i vode u gustu smesu. Sundjerom naneti na furgne. U flasu sa rasprsivacem staviti sirce i toplu vodu. Zatvoriti i promuckati. Iprskati preko prethodne smese i ostaviti da stoji 5 minuta. Dobro iscekati fugne cetkom ili cetkicom za zube. Pokupiti mesavinu sa poda metlicom i djubrovnikom ili sa mokrom krpom ili sa papirnim ubrusima. Obrisati pod.

For fuge grouts

Required: 250g baking soda, 250ml water, brush (or toothbrush) or abrasive sponge, 300ml alcohol vinegar, 300m warm water, spray bottle.

Mix baking soda and water in a thick mixture. Apply with the sponge onto the fuge grouts. Put vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle. Close and shake. Spray over the previous mixture and leave to stand for 5 minutes. Brush the joints well with a brush or toothbrush. Pick up the mixture from the floor with a broom and a duster or with a wet cloth or wet paper towels. Clean the floor as you do regular.

Za ciscenje dna serpi

Potrebno: 1 kasicica soli, 1 kasika sirceta.

Pomesati, nareti na dno serpe i Izribati sa sundjerom.

To clean the bottom of the pots

Required: 1 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp vinegar.

Stir, spread on the bottom of the pot and scrub with a sponge.

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