Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Prirodno ciscenje lica (Natural facial cleansing)

Za prirodno ciscenje lica, bez sapuna, mozete iskoristiti mleko, ovsene pahuljice, sok od limuna i med i kastilj sapun.


Uzeti malo mleka i umasirati na lice. Isprati toplom vodom. Za suvu kozu mozete dodati jedno jaje. Pomesati umuceno jaje sa malo mleka. Utrljati prstima na lice. Ostaviti par minuta da deluje pa isprati toplom vodom.

Ovsene pahuljice

Samleti u blenderu ovsene pahuljice u prah. Pomesati prah sa malo vode da se dobije pasta. Prstima utrljati na lice i isprati toplom vodom.

Sok od limuna

Iseciditi sok od pola limuna. Direktno umasirati na lice. Ostaviti par minuta da upije. Ne ispirati, Namazati kremu za lice.


Pomesati 2 kasike sa 1 kasikom tecnog kastilj sapuna. Prstima utrljati na lice. Iprati toplom vodom.

For natural face cleansing, without soap, you can use milk, oatmeal, lemon juice and honey and castile soap.


Take some milk and massage it on your face. Wash with warm water. For dry skin you can add one egg. Mix a whipped egg with some milk. Rub it with your fingers on your face. Allow a few minutes to act and rinse with warm water.


Put oatmeal flakes in the blender. Mix the powder with some water to form a paste. Rub it with your fingers on your face and rinse with warm water.

Lemon juice

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon. Massage directly on face. Allow a few minutes to soak. Do not rinse. Apply face cream.


Mix 2 tbsp with 1 tbsp of liquid castile soap. Rub it with your fingers on your face. Wash with warm water.

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