Saturday, April 17, 2021

Posudice od gline (Clay pots)

Potrebno: 100g polimerne gline (fimo soft), papir za pecenje, papir i olovka za crtanje dizajna, fimo lak (lak za polimernu glinu), modle za kolace, oklagija.


1) Glinu prstima izgnjeciti dok ne postane mekana i savitljiva. Razviti u krug na papiru za pecenje do debljine pola cm.

2) Sa vrhovima prstiju, nesto pritiskati blizu ivica da biste ih podigli i napravili dubinu posude.

3) Pecite u rerni prema uputstvu prozivodjaca. Uglavnom od 100 do 130 C od 25 do 30 minuta na srednjoj resetki.

4) Kada se posudice potpuno ohlade izvadite iz rerne.

5) Na papiru nacrtajte dizajn koji zelite na posudicama. Pa flomasterom za glinu nacrtajte. Ivice posudica mozete obojiti ili flomasterom za glinu ili fimo lakom.

Predlog: pogledajte clanak o Vrstama gline i ukrasavanju.

Required: 100g polymer clay (fimo soft), baking paper, paper and pencil for design drawing, fimo varnish (polymer clay varnish), cookie cutters, rolling pin.


1) Knead the clay with your fingers until it is soft and pliable. Develop in a circle on baking paper up to a half cm thick.

2) With the tips of your fingers, press something close to the edges to lift them up and create a depth of pot.

3) Bake in the oven according to the manufacturer's instructions. Mostly 100 to 130 C for 25 to 30 minutes at middle wire rack.

4) When dishes are completely cooled, remove them from the oven.

5) Draw on paper the design you want on the pots. So draw on a clay with felt pen. You can paint the edges of the dishes with either a clay felt pen or fimo varnish.

Suggestion: see the article on Types of clay and decoration.

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