Monday, April 12, 2021

Piling za lice od zelenog caja (Green Tea Facial Exfoliator)

Sastojci: 8 kesica zelenog caja, 125ml maslinovog ulja, 250g braon secera.


1) U ciniji pomesati maslinovo ulje i secer.

2) Pocepati kesice i sadrzaj dodati u prethodnu smesu. Dobro promesati.

3) Sipati u teglicu.

4) Na cisto i mokro lice naneti piling i nezno masirati. Isprati toplom vodom i tapkanjem obrisati lice peskirom.

Ingredients: 8 cups green tea, 125ml olive oil, 250g brown sugar.


1) In a bowl mix olive oil and sugar.

2) Tear the bags and add the contents to the previous mixture. Stir well.

3) Pour into a jar.

4) Apply exfoliation on a clean and wet face and massage gently. Wash with warm water and tap to wipe face with a towel.

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