Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Melem od mesanog biljnog ulja (Salve from mixed herbs oil)

Melem za posekotine, masnice, otrovni brsljen, iritaciju koze, manje opekotine, herpes. Samo za spoljnu upotrebu.

Sastojci: biljno infuzirano ulje (500ml maslinovo ulje, 1 kasicica korena ehinacee, 2 kasike lista gaveza, 2 kasike lista bokvice, 1 kasika cveta nevena, 1 kasicica hajducke trave, 1 kasika ruzmarina), 65g pcelinjeg voska (izrendanog), 1/2 kasicice ulja vitamina E.


1) U serpu staviti vodu. Odozgo staviti staklenu ciniju (samo da nije aluminijum) i sipati ulje. Pustiti da prokljuca pa smanjiti na nisku temperaturu (2) i krckati 3 sata i 30 minuta. Ostaviti da se malo ohladi.

2) U ciniju staviti cediljku, a u cediljku gazu. Sipati ulje sa biljem. Uvrnuti gazu i iscediti ulje.

3) Oprati serpu u kojoj se kuvalo bilje i si[ati ulje. Dodati pcelinji vosak. Mesati dok se ne otopi na srednjoj temperaturi (4). Sipati u bokal. Ostaviti malo da se ohladi.

4) Dodati ulje vitamina E (za konzervaciju).

5) Sipati u kutjice plasticne ili staklene teglice. Ostaviti da se ohladi. Zatvoriti.

Cuticle salve, bruises, poisonous ivy, skin irritation, minor burns, herpes. For external use only.

Ingredients: herb infused oil (500ml olive oil, 1 teaspoon of echinacea root, 2 tbsp of comfrey leaves, 2 teaspoons of leaves of plantain (do not mix with bananas), 2 teaspoons of calendula flowers, 1 teaspoon of yarrow, 1 teaspoon of rosemary), 65g of beeswax (rendered), 1/2 teaspoon of Vitamin E.


1) Put water in the pot. Put a glass heat proof bowl (make sure it is not aluminum) above and pour in the oil. Allow to boil and reduce to low temperature (2) and simmer for 3 hours and 30 minutes. Allow to cool slightly.

2) Put a strainer in the another bowl and gauze in the strainer. Pour in oil with herbs. Roll the gauze and drain the oil.

3) Wash the pot in which the herbs were cooked and add oil. Add beeswax. Stir until dissolved at medium temperature (4). Pour into a jug. Allow to cool slightly.

4) Add Vitamin E oil (for preservation).

5) Pour into plastic or glass jars. Allow to cool. Close.

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