Saturday, April 17, 2021

Maska od gline za suzavanje pora (Clay mask to shrink pores)

Sastojci: 1 kasika bentonit gline, 1 kasika jabukovog sirceta.


1) U casi pomesati glinu i jabukovo sirce sa drvenom kasicicom dok ne dobijete ujednacenu smesu.

2) Na oprano lice staviti masku. Ostaviti 15 do 20 minuta pa isprati toplom vodom.

Napomena: kada skinete masku lice moze biti malo rozikasto nekoliko minuta jer glina povecava dotok krvi u vase lice dok izlucuje toksine.

Ako imate osetljivu kozu umesto jabukovog sirceta dodajte vodu i drzite masku samo dok se ne osusi.

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of bentonite clay, 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar.


1) In the glass, mix the clay and apple cider vinegar with a wooden spoon until you have a uniform mixture.

2) Put a mask on the washed face. Leave for 15 to 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Note: when you remove the mask, it can be a little rosy for a few minutes as the clay increases blood flow to the face as they extract toxins.

If you have sensitive skin, instead of apple cider vinegar, add water and hold the mask only until it is dry.

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