Saturday, April 17, 2021

Hidrosol od biljaka (Herbs hydrosol)

Mozete koristiti biljni hidrosol kao tonik za lice. Hidosoli hidriraju suvu kozu i za balansiranje pH koze. Takodje su dobri za kozu sklonu aknama i masnu kozu.

Upotreba hidrosola: na ocisceno lice naprskati biljni hidrosol. Namazati sa kremom ili uljem konoplje i ostaviti da upije, Zatim naneti sminku.

Neke od biljaka za hidrosol: ruza, kamilica, macja trava, tamjan, jasmin, lavanda, timijan, pepermint

Potrebno: duboka, siroka, emajlirana serpa ili serpa od neredjajuceg celika, poklopak bez rupice, 2 staklene cinije, prokuvana voda, sveza biljka, led.


0) Serpu dobro oprati sa sapunicom i vrelom vodom isprati, nesposredno pre spravljanja biljne hidrosoli.

1) U serpu, na sredinu, staviti staklenu ciniji naopako.

2) Oko cinije stavti biljku.

3) Na dno prve staklene cinije staviti drugu staklenu ciniju (normalno).

4) Sipati vodu preko biljke oko cinije.

5) Staviti poklopac naopako.

6) Ukljuciti sporet na nisku (2) ili srednje nisku (3) temperaturu.

7) Staviti kocke leda u poklopac.

8) Povremeno proverite da li imate vode u serpi (da vam biljka ne izgor) i kada se kocke leda otope prosuti vodu i dodati nove kocke leda.

9) Voda sakupljena u ciniji je hidrosol.

10) Kada se malo ohladi sipati u staklenu teglu ili staklenu bocu. Zatvoriti i cuvati u frizideru.

11) Zavisno od velcine serpe i od velcine cinije, ali oko 3 do 4 sata je potrebno da dobijete 1/3 cinije hidrosoli.

You can use herbal hydrosol as a face tonic. Hydrosols hydrate dry skin and balance the pH of the skin. They are also good for acne prone skin and oily skin.

Use of hydrosol: spray herbal hydrosol on the cleansed face. Spread with moisturizing cream or hemp oil and leave to absorb, then apply makeup.

Some of the herbs for hydrosol: rose, chamomile, catnip, frankincense, jasmine, lavender, thyme, peppermint.

Required: deep, wide, enamelled or stainless steel pot, lid without hole, 2 glass bowls, boiled water, fresh herbs, ice.


0) Wash the pot well with soap and rinse with hot water, just before making the herb hydrosol.

1) In a pot, in the middle, put a glass bowl upside down.

2) Put a plant around the bowl.

3) Place a second glass bowl (normal) on the bottom of the first glass bowl.

4) Pour water over the plant around the bowl.

5) Put the lid upside down.

6) Turn the stove to low (2) or medium low (3) temperature.

7) Put ice cubes in the lid.

8) Periodically check if you have water in the pot (so that the herb does not burn) and when the ice cubes melt, pour out water and add new ice cubes.

9) The water collected in the bowl is a hydrosol.

10) When it cools down a bit, pour it into a glass jar or glass bottle. Close and store in the refrigerator.t

11) Depending on the size of the po and the size of the bowl, but about 3 to 4 hours it takes to get 1/3 of the bowl of hydrosol.

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