Sunday, April 25, 2021

Domaci tecni deterdzent za ves (Homemade liquid detergent for laundry)

Sastojci: 125g sode za pranje (ne sode bikarbone za jelo, ne medicinska soda), 125g boraksa, 250g axal sapuna (sapun za fleke), 2 prazna plasticna balona od 5 L + manje plasticne flase za upotrebu.


1) Izrendati axal sapun na krupno i stavite u serpu. Dodati 1.5 L vruce vode i na srednjoj temperaturi sacekati da se sapun potpuno istopi.

2) Dodati sodu za pranje i boraks i mesati dok se ne otopi. Skloniti sa sporeta.

3) Sipati 500ml vruce vode u jedan plasticni balon, dodati pola mesavine sapuna, sode i boraksa i dobro promesati. Dodati 2.75 L vruce vode i dobro promesati.

4) Ponoviti korak 3) jos jednom.

5) Pretociti u manje flase i ostaviti da stoji 12 ili 20 sati da se zgusne (zavisi koju gustinu zelite).

6) Promuckati pre svake upotrebe.

Ingredients: 125g washing soda (not baking soda, not medical soda), 125g borax, 250g stain soap, 2 empty plastic balloons of 5 L + smaller plastic bottle for use.


1) Shred the axal soap on a large scale and put in the pot. Add 1.5 L of hot water and allow the soap to melt completely at medium temperature.

2) Add washing soda and borax and mix until melted. Remove from the stove.

3) Pour 500ml of hot water into one plastic balloon, add half a mixture of soap, baking soda and borax and mix well. Add 2.75 L of hot water and stir well.

4) Repeat step 3) one more time.

5) Transfer to smaller bottle and allow to stand for 12 or 20 hours to thicken (depending on what density you want).

6) Shake before each use.

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