Saturday, April 10, 2021

Domace femisan a kapi (Homemade femisan a drops)

Femisan A kapi su dobre kod: ciste na jajnicima, mioma na materici, poremecaja menstrualnog ciklusa, bolnih menstruacija, endometrioze, PCOS - sindrom policisticnih jajnika, fibrocisticnih promena u dojkama, zenske neplodnosti - steriliteta, ranicama na grlicu materice, PMS-a.

Sastojci: 23g virka, 15g hajducke trave (nadzemni deo),12g cveta nevena, 12g zdravca (nadzemni deo), 8g lista persuna, 8g troskota (nadzemni deo), 500ml rakije.


1) Biljke usitniti i promesati.

2) U flasu od pola litre staviti sve biljke i dodati 500ml domace rakije 40%. Zatvoriti.

3) Ostaviti 4 nedelje. Svakog dana promuckati.

4) Procediti kroz sterilnu gazu i sipati u staklenu bocu.

Upotreba: 30 kapi (1.5ml) rastvoriti u 200ml vode i popiti dva do cetiri puta dnevno pre jela. Preporucuje se koriscenje kapi u periodu od 2-8 meseci (po potrebi i duze), sa dvonedeljnim pauzama nakon svaka 2 meseca.

Dobije se oko 350ml.

Sastojci sa websajta

alchemilla vulgaris herba 30%

achillea milefolium herba 20%

calendulae flos 15 %

geranium robertianum herba 15%

polygonae folium 10%

petroselni folium 10 %

Sastojci sa kutije

alchemilla vulgaris herba 30%

achillea milefolium herba 20%

calendulae flos 15 %

geranium robertianum herba 15%

rubus idaeus 10 %

petroselni folium 10 %

Femisan a drops are good for: ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, menstrual disorders, painful menstruation, endometriosis, PCOS - polycystic ovary syndrome, fibrocystic changes in the breasts, female infertility - sterility, cervical wounds, PMS.

Ingredients: 23g lady's mantle, 15g yarrow (above-ground part), 12g calendula flowers, 12g geranium (above-ground part), 8g parsley leaves, 8g knotgrass (above-ground part), 500ml brandy.


1) Chop the plants and stir.

2) Put all the plants in a half-liter bottle and add 500ml of 40% homemade brandy. Close.

3) Leave for 4 weeks. Shake every day.

4) Strain through sterile gauze and pour into a glass bottle.

Usage: dissolve 30 drops (1.5ml) in 200ml of water and drink two to four times a day before meals. It is recommended to use the drops for a period of 2-8 months (if necessary longer), with two-week breaks after every 2 months.

About 350ml is obtained.

Ingredients from the website

alchemilla vulgaris herba 30%

achillea milefolium herba 20%

calendulae flos 15%

geranium robertianum herba 15%

polygonae folium 10%

petroleum folium 10%

Ingredients from the box

alchemilla vulgaris herba 30%

achillea milefolium herba 20%

calendulae flos 15%

geranium robertianum herba 15%

rubus idaeus 10%

petroleum folium 10%

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