Sunday, April 11, 2021

Deterdzent kocke za sudo masinu (Dishwasher detergent cubes)

Sastojci: 250g sode za pranje, 250g sode bikarbone, 250g soli, 250ml destilovane ili prokuvane vode, 70g limunske kiseline, 125ml alkoholnog sirceta po jednom pranju sudja, esencijana ulja (opciono) - 50 kapi esencijalnog ulja ruzmarina, 5ml esencijalnog ulja limuna.


1) U ciniji pomesati sve suve sastojke.

2) Dodati vodu i sacekati 1 minut da se smanje baloncici pre nego sto promesati da se sjedini.

3) Dodati esencijalna ulja i dobro promesati.

4) Napuniti modle za led mesavinom i izravnati prstima.

5) Ostaviti preko noci da se osusi i stvrdne.

6) Uvrnuti krajeve modli u suprotnu stranu i okrenuti i blago udariti sa zadnje strane da ispadnu kocke.

7) Staviti kocke za posudje u staklenu teglu i zatvoriti.

8) U deo za ispiranje dodati alkoholno sirce pre pocetka pranja. Staviti jednu kocku. Sirce pomaze da se sudje bolje ispere i da ne ostanu trake od deterdzenta na posudju.

Ingredients: 250g washing soda, 250g baking soda, 250g salt, 250ml distilled or boiled water, 70g citric acid, 125ml alcohol vinegar per dish wash, essential oils (optional) - 50 drops rosemary essential oil, 5ml lemon essential oil.


1) In a bowl, mix all dry ingredients.

2) Add water and wait 1 minute for the bubbles to shrink before stirring.

3) Add essential oils and mix well.

4) Fill the ice cube trays with the mixture and flatten with your fingers.

5) Leave overnight to dry and harden.

6) Twist the ends of the mold to the opposite side and turn and tap lightly from the back to make the cubes fall out.

7) Put the dish cubes in a glass jar and close.

8) Add alcohol vinegar to the rinsing part before washing. Put one cube. Vinegar helps the dishes to be rinsed better and so that no strips of detergent remain on the dishes.

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