Sunday, April 11, 2021

Balzam za bolne misice (Balm for sore muscles)

Sastojci: 60g pcelinjeg voska, 125g kokosovog ulja, 125ml maslinovog ulja, 4 kasicice crnog bibera, 4 kasicice djumbira u prahu, 2 kasicice ljute aleve paprike u prahu, 50 kapi esencijalnog ulja ruzmarina.


1) U serpu sa debljim dnom sipati nekoliko solja vode i preko staviti ciniju. Ostaviti da prokljuca, zatim smanjiti na srednju temperaturu (4).

2) Staviti pcelinji vosak da se otopi povremeno mesajuci. Dodati kokosovo ulje i maslinovo ulje. Kada se otopi dodati biber, djumbir i alevu papriku. Mesati da se sjedini. Pazljivo skloniti ciniju sa serpe.

3) U drugu ciniju staviti cediljku i filter za kafu i sipati da se procede (i ocede) zacini.

4) Kad se malo ohladilo a pre nego sto se stegne, dodati esencijalno ulje ruzmarina i promesati.

5) Sipati u ciste staklene teglice. Ostaviti da se stvrdne.

6) Zatvoriti i cuvati ili u frizideru ili na suvom i hladnom mestu do 6 meseci. Napisati koje zacine sadrzi.

7) Staviti na bolna mesta i umasirati polako kruznim pokretima.

Predlog: mozete uraditi piling za telo za bolne misice i/ili da se izmasirate uljem za bolne misice.

Ingredients: 60g beeswax, 125g coconut oil, 125ml olive oil, 4 teaspoons black pepper, 4 teaspoons ginger powder, 2 teaspoons cayenne pepper powder, 50 drops of rosemary essential oil.


1) Pour a few cups of water into a thick-bottomed pot and place a bowl over it. Bring to the boil, then reduce to medium heat (4).

2) Put beeswax to dissolve, stirring occasionally. Add coconut oil and olive oil. When dissolved add pepper, ginger and cayenne pepper. Stir to combine. Carefully remove the bowl from the pot.

3) Put the strainer and coffee filter in the second bowl and pour to strain (and drain) the spices.

4) When it has cooled down a bit and before it hardens, add rosemary essential oil and stir.

5) Pour into clean glass jars. Allow to harden.

6) Close and store either in the refrigerator or in a dry and cool place for up to 6 months. Label what spices it contains.

7) Put on sore spots and massage slowly in circular motions.

Suggestion: you can do body scrub for sore muscles and/or make massage oil for sore muscles.

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