About Me

Pre nego bilo sta probate na sebi, nekom koga znate, pa cak i koga ne znate - od recepata i/ ili dokumenata - tekst, tabele, prezentacije, slike, video, audio zapise i slicno (sa ovog ili bilo kog drugog mog bloga - listu pogledajte na web sajtu), morate da procitate moje Odricanje od Odgovornosti,  moju Izjavu and moja Upozorenja.

Citanje, razmisljanje tj. razmena misljenja izmedju vas i drugih osoba (diskusija) je DOZVOLJENA, cak i PREPORUCENA.

Dodavanje reci upotrebom sinonima (reci koje imaju isto ili blisko znacenje, ali se razlikuju po svom obliku) i/ili oduzimanje reci i recenica sa znakovima interpunkcije, tj. bilo koja izmena smisla reci i recenica NIJE DOZVOLJENA. Jednostavnije receno - bilo koje preformulisavanje teksta tj. menjanje smisla napisanih informacija, u Vasu ili tudju korist, a na moju stetu JE ZABRANJENO. 

Kad kazem da Vi sami menjate smisao reci i recenica u vasu ili tudju korist, a na moju stetu, tu mislim i na vase angazovanje - "Strucnih Saradnika". Vasi "Strucni Saradnici/Savetnici" mogu biti rodbina (besplatna, placena novcem ili uslugama) u Sudu, Opstini, kod Advokata, kod Socijalnih Ustanova i u Policiji, prijatelji i poznanici koji se bave pravnim, zakonskim i slicnim zavrzlamama, da ih ne nabrajam sve, a rade u raznim sluzbama, odeljenjima i ustanovama.

Moje Odricanje od Odgovornosti, moja Izjava i moja Upozorenja u vezi web sajt(-ova) i blog(-ova) mozete procitati na stranici - Research About Food (Istrazivanje o Hrani na engleskom jeziku). 


Before you try anything on yourself, someone you know, or even someone you don't know - from recipes and/or documents - text, tables, presentations, pictures, videos, audio recordings and the like (from this or any of my other blogs - see the list on the website), you must read my Disclaimer od Liability, my Statement and my Warnings.

Reading, thinking, i.e. exchanging opinions between you and other people (discussion) is ALLOWED, even RECOMMENDED.

Adding words using synonyms (words that have the same or close meaning, but differ in their form) and/or removing words and sentences with punctuation marks, i.e. any change in the meaning of words and sentences is NOT ALLOWED. Simply put - any reformulation of the text, i.e. changing the meaning of the written information, to your benefit or someone else's benefit, and to my detriment, IS PROHIBITED.

When I say that you yourself change the meaning of words and sentences in your or someone else's favor, and to my detriment, I am also referring to your involvement - "Professional Associates". Your "Professional Associates/Collaborators/Advisors" can be relatives (free, paid with money or services) in the Court, the Municipality, with Lawyers, with Social Institutions and in the Police, friends and acquaintances who deal with legal, law and similar entanglements, not to mention them all , and they work in various services, departments and institutions.

You can read my Disclaimer of Liability, my Statement and my Warnings regarding website(s) and blog(s) on the page - Research About Food.


Ovaj blog, ali ne pod ovim imenom, sam zapocela jos 11. oktobra 2014. Tada je imao samo domace maske za lice. Zelja za pravljenjem sapuna i balzama za negu koze, rodila se u decembru 2019

Prvo je bio deo The Minuette - Food Recipes  & Homemade Face Masks wordpress bloga, a zatim odvojen. Oktobra 2020. godine sam odlucila da recepte sa bloga The Minuette - Food Recipes  & Homemade Face Masks prebacim na moj prvi blog The Minuette - Food Recipes blogger. A u aprilu 2021. da ovaj blog The Minuette Inspektor J wordpress, takodje prebacim na blogger.

Takodje, na ovom blogu mozete naci Bakine Recepte. Na primer, kako skinuti visoku temperaturu.

Kasnije, osim pravljenja sapuna i balzama bice i recepata o polimernoj glini, sivenju, ukrasim i igrackama. 

Zasto bas ovo ime?

Prva rec je deo mojih blogova, a druga je nadimak osobe koja mi je obelezila zivot na veoma poseban nacin (nazalost) i koju cu pamtiti do kraja zivota. Da, on je pravi inspektor. 

Napomena: svi linkovi ce se otviti u novom tabu.

Ostali moji blogovi na srpskom i engleskom jeziku:

The Minuette - Food Recipes.

Skola Tutorijala - School of Tutorials.

The Minuette - Problem Solution.

Blog samo na srpskom jeziku:

The Minuette - Bebe, Deca i Trudnice.

I started this blog, but not under this name, on October 11, 2014. At that time, he only had homemade face masks. The desire to make soaps and balms for skin care was born in December 2019.

It was first part of The Minuette - Food Recipes & Homemade Face Masks wordpress blog and then separated. In October 2020, I decided to transfer the recipes from The Minuette - Food Recipes & Homemade Face Masks to my first blog, The Minuette - Food Recipes blogger. And in April 2021, that this blog The Minuette Inspector J wordpress, I also transfer to blogger.

Also, on this blog you can find Grandma’s Recipes. For example, how to take off a high temperature.

Later, in addition to making soaps and balms, there will also be recipes for polymer clay, sewing, decorations and toys.

Why this name?

The first word is part of my blogs and the second is the nickname of the person who marked my life in a very special way (unfortunately) and whom I will remember for the rest of my life. Yes, he is a real inspector.

Note: all links will open in a new tab.

Other my blogs in Serbian and English:

The Minuette - Food Recipes.

School of Tutorials.

The Minuette - Problem Solution.

Blog in Serbian only:

The Minuette - Babies, Children and Pregnant Women.

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